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CBI is ACTIVE! Check out some of the social opportunities for our members:

  • Adult Choir: Open to all CBI members who like to sing.  We practice singing songs that we perform at occasional Friday night services.  Knowledge of music or choral experience is not necessary.

  • Book Club: Our book club discusses a new book each month.

  • Brotherhood: Our men’s service and social organization strives to build a spirit of fellowship, mutual support and spiritual growth while furthering the core activities and objectives of our Congregation.

  • Sisterhood: Our Sisterhood is the forum within the Congregation for the collective presence, voice, and strength of the Congregation's women members.  We welcome all women of the congregation to come together for service, Judaic study, friendship and social activities in order to enrich all our lives.

  • CBI Foodie Club: Come try delicious food and schmooze with fellow foodies! 

  • Garden Club: Help BEAUTIFY CBI's great outdoors. PAGE COMING SOON!

Don't see a group you're interested in or want to start one yourself? Email  for more information. 

Mon, September 9 2024 6 Elul 5784