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Welcome Visitors and Guests to CBI 
For Non-Members ONLY 

Please be sure to include the names (and ages) of all who will be attending services.  This will be required for security and check-in procedures.  Thank you.

Individual - Includes 1 adult ticket plus as many tickets needed for children 12yrs and under

Couple - Includes 2 adult tickets plus as many tickets needed for children 12yrs and under

Family -
Includes 2 adult tickets and as many tickets needed for dependent children (up to 25yrs)


Please Indicate Services That You Will Attend

NOTE: To request childcare for services please be sure to complete the CHILDCARE REQUEST FORM located on the HHD page on our website.

Rosh Hashanah
Included with ticket purchase.
Yom Kippur
13yrs and older - price included with ticket purchase
12yrs and under -  Free

Child Care will only be provided for children under 10 years of age.  MANDATORY reservations - WITHOUT EXCEPTION- are required.  Because we must make arrangements for bonded, certified staff through an outside child care service, anyone bringing a child WITHOUT a reservation will be turned away.  Enforcement of this policy helps to ensure staff levels necessary for quality child care.  
Please check the box if you would like to receive registration information about child care.
Upon completion of this registration, you will be sent information and a separate registration link for you to register your child(ren).
Please consider making a donation to one of the following funds:


Just as a reminder, should you decide to join our congregation, the amount that you pay for your HHD tickets will be credited towards your annual membership contribution. 

After completing this form click SUBMIT.  You will automatically be transferred to the payment screen. There you will have the option to pay by credit card, debit card or eCheck (ACH).


Thu, May 2 2024 24 Nisan 5784