June 18, 2024 - 12 sivan 5784
06/18/2024 04:00:56 PM
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A season is set for everything, a time for every experience under heaven:
A year ago, we were ready to become acquainted. In the interim, Shabbat and Yom Tov, week by week we have come to share the blessing of community, the hope of a better future.
For each day, I have been grateful.
A time for birthing and a time for dying,
A time for planting and a time for uprooting the...Read more...
June 11, 2024- 5 Sivan 5784
06/10/2024 01:00:49 PM
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Tradition holds that all creation was foreseen even before it began—that is, as part of a Divine plan. One example that is set forth comes in commentary of Rashi—Rabbi Shlomo ben Isaac (France, d. ca. 1040). One outstanding paragraph suggests a direct link between ma’asei v’reisheet—the act of creation—and revelation of Torah to Israel.
יום הששי. הוֹסִיף...
June 4 2024 - 27 Iyar 5784
06/03/2024 04:30:03 PM
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At irregular intervals over the 8 months since Hamas breached Israel’s border from the Gaza Strip various groups have implored the Israeli government to back off and stop the military effort in the densely populated stretch of land ruled by Hamas for two decades. Some good has come—though not since last November saw some of estimated 250 civilians taken captive and...Read more...
May 28, 2024 - 20 IYyAR 5784
05/27/2024 02:02:05 PM
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Recent reports of the indictment proposed by the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court [ICC] of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a codefendant with the leaders of Hamas directly responsible for the attack of October 7, 2023, that ended over 1200 Israeli civilian lives. The proposed charges are ‘genocide’. The facts of this action—which I can only see as antisemitic in content—point to the long-term resistance to...Read more...
May 21, 2024 -13 Iyyar 5784
05/21/2024 02:31:28 PM
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History has been written from a number of different viewpoints. An older trend—dating from the classical Roman historians and mythologies—focused on the deeds and even feats of a few larger-than-life individuals. We know much about law, government, war and conquests by a few named individuals. The narrative of Torah establishes the multigenerational biography of a single family that over time became the Jewish people. Other...Read more...
May 14, 2024 - 6 Iyyar 5784
05/13/2024 04:54:53 PM
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Seventy-six years ago, on this day in both secular and Jewish calendars, the State of Israel emerged from the chrysalis of the Zionist Movement. Many threads converged in that moment as David ben Gurion voiced the aspiration for a Jewish Homeland in Palestine through the Declaration of Independence in the Tel Aviv Museum Hall on May 14, 1948. With the following text excerpted from Israel’s founding Declaration of...Read more...
May 7 2024- 29 nisan 5784
05/06/2024 03:44:41 PM
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Early in the 1950s Knesset—Israel’s Parliament—selected 27 Nisan as the day of remembrance for the loss and heroism of Jews at the hands of Nazism. In exceptional cases, as this year, the Hebrew date of Yom Hashoah v’ha-gevurah is shifted to neither immediately proceed nor immediately follow Shabbat. Yesterday, May 6, 2024, was thus the occasion of an extended, continuous siren being sounded throughout Israel silencing all...Read more...
april 30, 2024- 22 Nisan 5784
04/29/2024 04:22:05 PM
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Concluding Pesach has a special quality. We lay aside the special rules and unleavened foods that have dominated discussion for several weeks—basically since the last hamantaschen were savored at Purim. The narrative that we launched on the Seder nights, of Divine protection and salvation in the process of redemption, however, remains unfinished.
One root of that is the ancient agricultural calendar that threads...Read more...
april 23, 2024-15 nisan 5784
04/22/2024 04:49:16 PM
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Chag Pesach Kasher v’Samei’ach—A joyous Passover
The approach of Passover 5784 raises fundamental questions for me as a practicing, affirming Jew. Since October 7, 2023, so much has been fundamentally thrown into chaos, hidden by ‘fog of war’ and open to debate on meta- levels: Connection to the Land of Israel, real needs of multiple ethnicities in the small area between the Jordan River and the...Read more...
April 16, 2024 - 8 Nisan 5784
04/15/2024 01:15:08 PM
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First came the warnings of an imminent attack by Iran on Israel. Then the reports of an
armada of missiles, drones and rockets crossing the desert to the west. Then there were
sirens from Dan to Beersheba, followed by the flashes of light as a reported 99% of the
300+ flying weapons were neutralized, destroyed, shot down and rendered harmless; and of
the 1% that reached Israeli soil intact, the largely incidental damage was...Read more...
april 9, 2024- 1 Nisan 5784
04/08/2024 01:27:31 PM
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On the day of the solar eclipse—with Colleyville fully within the zone of totality—there were signs of returning light even before the celestial event. Like the predictions for the day’s skies, the assorted events was muddled.
Last week closed out with the [apparently] testy conversation between the US President and the Israeli Prime Minister. Changes in Israeli policy and practice followed...Read more...
April 2 - 23 Adar ii 5784
04/01/2024 02:07:36 PM
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Waiting for further news on the hernia surgery set for late Sunday for Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu—while wishing him a r’fu-ah sh’leimah—that personal necessity was moved to the sidelines by mass demonstrations calling for his ouster from leadership of government that included families of hostages still held by Hamas in Gaza. Masses of Israelis protesting between the symbolic national Menorah and the classically...Read more...
March 26, 2024- 16 Adar II
03/26/2024 02:49:14 PM
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March 19, 2024-9 Adar ii 5784
03/18/2024 03:33:04 PM
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Sunday was a night for Colleyville—and “Colleyville”—the impressive, cogent documentary Dani Menkin has developed since the shocking events that shook Congregation Beth Israel on January 15, 2022. A local pre-screening was oversold: one full auditorium and an overflow screening held rapt attention, as did the Q & A featuring the Director, and so meaningfully, the four who lived the experience—Larry, Jeff, Shane...Read more...
march 12, 2024- 2 Adar ii, 5784
03/11/2024 12:29:47 PM
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Remembering the Holocaust, and more significantly, teaching the Holocaust, remains a significant part of the Jewish present. Beyond the trials that began at Nuremberg after WWII ended, and set new parameters in international law, or the 1961 trial of Adolph Eichmann in Israel that led to the only execution in the State’s 75+ year history, came the early screenings of the mini-series Holocaust (1978) that raised awareness of an...Read more...
March 5, 2024- 25 Adar 5784
03/04/2024 01:55:51 PM
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Judaism is revealed religion: the Torah is understood as having come directly from God, heard by the assembled at Mount Sinai, Moses through the wilderness years, and prophets until Malachi ca 300 bce. Modern scholarship aside for the moment, the tradition of written law and oral law, each contained in what Moses heard in those 40-day stays on the mountaintop, served to sustain Jewish life, unity and faith into...Read more...
Feb. 27, 2024-18 ADAR 5784
02/26/2024 05:05:17 PM
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As the Russian invasion of Ukraine enters the third— or tenth — year (depends upon how one views the 2014 events), with expense of war mounting in human terms as well as the cost of armaments, the face of Europe is being refashioned. After a prolonged delay, in recent days Turkey and Hungary have opened the pathway into NATO for the remaining outsiders bordering directly west of Russia. With Finland and Sweden as members, a...Read more...
Feb. 20, 2024-11 adar 5784
02/19/2024 02:58:47 PM
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As international tensions mount, and pressure on Israel increases to stop the quest to end the rule of terror that is Hamas in Gaza, Friday’s news of the untimely death of leading Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny came as a personal gut punch. Isolated in a remote Russian prison with many restrictions, a survivor through the past years of attempts to suppress his message and movement, of harsh conditions and baseless...Read more...
Feb. 13, 2024 - 4 Adar
02/12/2024 01:54:09 PM
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The daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, one of Europe’s leading newspapers, has become a major source for my regular, nearly daily explorations of world news. As American journalism is increasingly eclipsed in these days of electronic publication coupled with decreasing advertising revenues, I find the limited coverage of all but the most shocking events across the seas leaves a big hole in my understanding of the world and its...Read more...
Feb. 6, 2024 - 27 Sh'vat 5784
02/06/2024 01:56:38 PM
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Streets in many cities have been filled with protestors throughout the past year. Early in 2023, Israelis started their mass action against the now sidelined proposals to move certain powers of the Israeli Supreme Court to the ruling coalition cabinet. Following the tragic events of October 7, streets in Tel Aviv were quieter, but in recent weeks, Rosh haMemshalah—Prime Minister—Bibi Netanyahu has faced renewed outpourings in...Read more...
Jan. 30, 2024- 20 Sh'vat 5784
01/29/2024 02:37:43 PM
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The crisis for Israel has transmuted into a crisis for Jews everywhere as both an internal and an external challenge to our existence with greater intensity than any I have ever known. The external crisis is clear; the internal one represents the diverse interests within Jewish society.
Political necessity in 1948 dictated the new Israeli state, led by David ben Gurion, to start with the ‘status quo’....Read more...
Jan. 23, 2024-13 Sh'Vat 5784
01/23/2024 01:44:12 PM
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Since 2005, UN Resolution 60/7 has established January 27 as International Holocaust Remembrance Day. In 2024. This year, it coincides with the coming Shabbat, leading the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum [https://ushmm.org/] to hold ceremonial events next Monday, January 22, 2024. Although Jewish calendars do not always include the date, and in the first years after Israeli-proposed resolution it was little known, two...Read more...
Jan. 16, 2023, 6 Shevat 5784
01/15/2024 03:39:14 PM
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Recent reports have focused on isolation as a lasting post-pandemic issue. From ancient times, Jewish communities have sought to combat the kind of lone existence that other communities promoted through monasticism and even celibacy. A focal period of old was obligatory times of mourning, when recitation of the memorial prayer was ritualized in mourners’ Kaddish—one of a limited number of activities requiring a minyan, or...Read more...
JAn. 9, 2024-28 tevet 5784
01/09/2024 01:17:54 PM
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On the first day of 2024, just short of three months into the war Hamas launched on October 7, 2023, by invading Israel and slaughtering more than 1200, the Supreme Court of Israel overturned the Knesset Law that sought to limit its authority, independence and the stability of the country.
“The Knesset amended the Basic Law: The Judiciary on July 24 when 64 MKs voted in favor of the amendment. Following the...Read more...
Jan. 2, 2024- 21 tevet 5784
12/26/2023 12:16:18 PM
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Beginning the year 2024, there is much to be hoped for as members of the Jewish community. Our world and situation are clearly less than ideal, yet each week has moved us farther from the darkness of the recent past. We are, after all, told in the text (Isaiah 42:6):
“I the Eternal have called you in righteousness
And have taken hold of...
Dec. 19, 2023-7 Tevet, 5784
12/18/2023 02:16:47 PM
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Last Friday, the eighth day of Hanukkah, was dark and dismal as no day had been since October 7. That was the eighth day of the Sukkot Festival. In my sadness at the three hostages who fell to friendly fire, the irony was inescapable. They were asking for help, doing so as the Israel Defense Forces suggested. Now they are gone, and the soldiers involved bear the weight of the world.
How many more will yet become casualties of...
Dec. 12, 2023- 29 Kislev 5784
12/12/2023 01:27:04 PM
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The rising antisemitism of 2023 has caught many by surprise. The drumbeat of aggression turned into a steamroll of reports as of October 7, when Hamas burst through Israel’s defenses when Hizbollah opened rocket barrages from Lebanon and the Houthi rebels started sending Iranian missiles at ships in the Persian Gulf, and social media tiktokked a baseline of anti-Jewish sentiment into rising outbreaks of threats,...Read more...
Dec. 5, 2023- 22 Kislev, 5784
12/05/2023 01:24:32 PM
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Living in Texas these few months has offered me a world of Jewish experiences, a universe of experiences as a Jew. On Monday evening, December 4, I listened intently to the words of CEO and National Director of the ADL, addressing “Modern Antisemitism: An ADL Perspective”, the 26th Annual Gates of Chai Lecture of the Jewish Studies Program at Brite Divinity School, a division of TCU, was one of those experiences. About 20...Read more...
Nov. 28, 2023-15 Kislev, 5784
11/28/2023 01:26:47 PM
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Through the extended Thanksgiving weekend that just passed, the world has had front-row seats on the trickle of hostages released after seven weeks in captivity. There is much to celebrate in each life thus restoring to its pre-October 7 liberty. However, for those captives, nothing can restore lives disrupted and destroyed by terrorism.
If 240 is the correct count, some 20% are out of captivity. That leaves 80% still...Read more...
Nov. 21, 2023 - 8 kislev 5784
11/20/2023 02:29:41 PM
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Mon, September 9 2024
6 Elul 5784
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