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Invocation: Tarrant County Commissioner's Court, 11/2/21

11/04/2021 09:43:51 AM


Rabbi Charlie

Before I begin, I’d like to invite everyone to the Peace Together Walk focused on building relationships with our neighbors this Saturday that will be held in Colleyville and I wanted to take a moment of personal gratitude and honor the memory of Neil Strassman, who used to work here, may his memory be for a blessing. He set it up so that I would be able to join you on election day the past many years and I am honored to be given this opportunity once again. Zichrono Livracha – may Neil’s memory always be for a blessing.

As the Commissioner’s Court opens this election day morning, I ask God, or the source of one’s personal spirituality, to open our hearts and minds to one another because life has been really hard for too many people. And it’s been made harder due to all of the division and mistrust and disinformation.

According to our rabbis, the 2nd Temple that stood in Jerusalem was destroyed due to sinat chinam – baseless hatred. Living in our society today, bearing witness to all we’re going through, I’ve come to understand just how destructive baseless hatred can be.

And yet I come here this morning with a word of hope because I know that every religious tradition has some version of the values of “love your neighbor as yourself,” and “don’t hate another in your heart.” Fear can be calmed. Trust that has been eroded can be restored. Bridges can be built across divides, no matter how wide they may seem. We can be a community and such work needs to take place here, in this room.

So on this day and every day, I pray that this Court be granted the empathy to love your neighbors and citizens and all who come before you as yourselves. May this Court look past all of the posturing and be granted the understanding and wisdom to lead us with justice and compassion. With your words and deeds, reduce hatred and fear and bring faith and confidence in our democracy and peace within our County.

We thank You for this Court and for its vital work. Help them live up to their highest ideals as they work for the benefit of all people under their care. Kein Y’hi Ratzon, May this be Your will.

Wed, May 8 2024 30 Nisan 5784